Participants had the opportunity to visit the sand storage facility where Smart Exploration Research Center, in collaboration with Nordic Iron Ore AB, conducted a groundbreaking pilot study. Utilizing fiber-optic sensors and advanced seismic surveys, the condition of the historical mining waste was explored. After the tour of the sand storage facility, participants gained insight into … Continue reading Inspiration and Innovation in Blötberget →
We are happy to welcome visitors on Friday October 4, at 11:00 if you are in the region or wish to learn about the work and the center overall. Drop a message to if you plan to be at the site.
Nordic Iron Ore AB är nu registrerad som medlem i Industriarbetsgivarna inom avtalsområdet gruvindustri, både för arbetare och tjänstemän. Medlemskapet trädde i kraft den 1 september 2024 och innebär att vi nu följer gällande kollektivavtal för våra medarbetare.
Nordic Iron Ore aims to create responsible mining in the fight for a greener future. The motto “It starts in the mine” characterizes the company’s progressive strategy. With ground-breaking technologies and innovative methods, they contribute to the future of green steel.
Nordic Iron Ore is pleased to present our latest company presentation in PDF format, where we provide an update on our operations and future plans. By downloading the presentation, you have the opportunity to join us on our journey towards a more sustainable mining industry. Company Presentation April 2024
Nordic Iron Ore – Company Presentation
Ronne Hamerslag participated in the Mining and Exploration Invest event. The presentation can be seen via the link below (in Swedish). Mining and Exploration Invest
On October 13, 2022, Ronne Hamerslag participated in the Augment Mining Forum. The presentation can be seen via the link below. Augment Mining Forum
Ronne Hamerslag, CEO of Nordic Iron Ore, will participate in the digital conference LIAM-Forum, which runs from 3 – 7 October. One goal of the conference is to inspire young people to get involved in sustainability issues by showing different career paths. Nordic Iron Ore will build a modern mine based on electricity to the … Continue reading Ronne Hamerslag, CEO of Nordic Iron Ore, participates in the LIAM forum →
Mining & Exploration Invest is a live, free and digital investor meeting held on October 5. Ronne Hamerslag will talk about the latest developments at Nordic Iron Ores and what the road ahead towards mining in Blötberget looks like, as well as the visions for the continued roadmap after operations are up and running. Ronne … Continue reading See CEO Ronne Hamerslag at Mining & Exploration Invest →