Pilot study in Blötberget

We are happy to welcome visitors on Friday October 4, at 11:00 if you are in the region or wish to learn about the work and the center overall. Drop a message to info@smartexploration.se if you plan to be at the site.

Nordic Iron Ore AB Joins the Mining Employers’ Association (GAF)

Nordic Iron Ore AB är nu registrerad som medlem i Industriarbetsgivarna inom avtalsområdet gruvindustri, både för arbetare och tjänstemän. Medlemskapet trädde i kraft den 1 september 2024 och innebär att vi nu följer gällande kollektivavtal för våra medarbetare.

Updated Company Presentation

Nordic Iron Ore is pleased to present our latest company presentation in PDF format, where we provide an update on our operations and future plans. By downloading the presentation, you have the opportunity to join us on our journey towards a more sustainable mining industry. Company Presentation April 2024